Explore the Whiteshell


Drive In Movie

WHAT: Drive-In Movie Night in the Whiteshell

Just like old times! Pile in the car, tune in your radio, and enjoy a movie night out by the lake. Everyone’s invited!

WHERE: Falcon Ridge Ski Slopes

At the end of the line on Falcon Lake’s South Shore.
100 Ridge Road, follow signs to Falcon Trails Resort.

WHEN: Friday, September 3rd, 2021.

Family show @ 5 PM : Fantastic Mr. Fox – Still spots available! Walk-ups will be accommodated as long as there is room!
Late-night show @ 8 PM : Moonrise Kingdom – SOLD OUT




Trail’s End Cafe

Dinner and a show! Trail’s End Cafe will be open to serve you throughout the movie showings.

Take a look at their menu here

**Please note, not all items will be available. 

Interested? Be sure to indicate that in your sign-up sheet so they know what to be ready for.